Monday, June 21, 2010

Blogging Weekly

Is blogging weekly a committment I can make?
I am not sure. Because I need to feel like the words are coming totally from me and that the end of a "blog", I like to call them conversations, is already within my sites.
I certainly have enough thoughts, ideas and opinions to write about, discuss or spew forth; but I don't think at this time I can completely commit to the weekly blog, I will try though.
My sister came to town this week. Sometimes referred to as "the interloper", she is the sibling who pushed me out of the "middle" position. This is a fact, but not a view I seem to internalize. Our family has a large gap between the third and fourth child. I am the second born, and there is 7 years between me and the last child; my sister who is visiting.
I find it odd when family visits; mosly because the dynamic of all the interwoven relationships shift and change. It is not something that you can really anticipate or plan for, at least I cannot. I feel it happen. Something is said, there is a nuance in the way a niece or nephew or even my mother talks to me and the shift is felt. For me, it is immediately followed by a fall in my emotional bearing, a depression.
At that time I must deal with it, accept it and decide how or if I am going to react. Sometimes it just means a little time away from the family; quiet and alone. Time to comtemplate the reality that MY EXISTENCE, MY PERSONAL SENSE OF SELF is not altered.
Another thing about this "shift" is that it is more pronounced and greater by the number of family members around. It is sort of like a personal quake. An emergency that needs time, when infact time cannot be found.
I love my family, but I cannot say that I like family gatherings. I have always found them to be a great strain on my emotional bearing. I find myself doubtful of my value, my likeability or place within my family.
I considered this to be connected with my status as a single woman. I am alone in my life and in my family. I do not have a spouse. I was not blessed with children. I live alone, with a cat and now a parrot. But I feel like these things are not valued by my family members.
I think I have finally acheived something that my family values, becoming a nurse. They seem to value my skill and knowledge in the medical field. I am asked questions and allowed to offer advice. But even though I do find pleasure in this inclusion, I still feel very undervalued by my family.
Now that I find myself in the middle of my family and my life. I find that I feel undervalued in a whole new way. I feel like I am toss away, an old kleenex or paper towel. I feel this way because my life, such as it is, is not considered when it comes to making decisions about who can be of help and assistance to my parents. It is considered that I, as the unmarried female relative with no children and only a job that requires three-12 hour shifts a week, have the time and the "life" to devote to my aging parents needs. If this issue were to be discussed out in the open, I am sure that everyone would say "nonsense"; but really, who is going to do the helping. I have left it, planned time away but when I get back the tasks are there, the needs unfullfilled and I do them. I have an older brother, who has a wife and two grown daughters; but they are of minimal help. My brother helps in "manly" ways; lifting, loading and doing mechanical things. My sister-in-law checks on my mother, and asks her to dinner or "family" functions. These family functions involve her "side" of the family. My nieces visit only when their parents do. A main part of these relationships is hurt or hindered by the fact that my brother and his family are "Mormons" and my mother is Catholic. I think my sister-in-law would be ecstatic if mom would just allow herself to be converted...but I cannot ever see that happening.
My sisters choose not to be involved in the aging of my parents, except from afar. This visit was made to see just how bad things are, really; since mom's decision to place dad in a nursing home. Was it really necessary? Should they object? Were they needed to save dad from mom?
In talking to my co-workers and friends I find that the "sibling" group of any family has great difficulty reaching agreement with regards to the questions raised by aging parents. Money issues arise, housing, care needs and who has the best and latest knowledge all play a part. And then the most difficult aspect rises to the top of any discussion, the pecking order! Yes, no matter how old you are, how mature you feel you have grown or what level of education; the order and sex of birth continues to cloud, reveal or cast a pall over these discussions.
My brother being the only male sibling and first born will try to assert dominance, and claim the right to make the decisions. The youngest, a girl will use her right as the "baby" of the family to manipulate decisions to her way of thinking. The two "middle" sisters, I being the older; will assert their ideas and dominance within the realms of their greatest means of influence (me, probably using medical opinion and knowledge, and my sister by asserting her ability to make decisions without consultation or by just plain stubbornness!).
None of us is "right". None of us is alone, although the feeling is that we are alone.

Here is my actual, true hope for any discussion we as siblings need to have; that we each, as individuals are allowed to say our peace, and that we each hear each other. True decisions with regards to family are not easy, they take that which every family hopes to have instilled within the group from inception, love and caring.
I have great hopes for my family as we continue our way through this latest maze in life.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Views From The Middle

Most days it is hard to put words to my thoughts, actions or "life"; not because I lack the intelligence to choose the words, but because I have such precious little time.
Which I feel is really a "cop-out" due to the fact that I am NOT exactly busy 100% of the time. I do have "downtime", when I am just in a sort of disengaging limbo. I read the mail, spend time with my companion parrot, Pablo; cat, Paloma or by watching TV. I could not be in this limbo, but I find that my brain and body need this time to organize things and allow the "filing" to be done so I can achieve restful sleep.
If I was more ambitious, or more driven could I go 100% of the time? How does Martha Stewart do it? I need at least 7 hours of sleep to even make me worthy company. I just cannot function without sleep, unless I really can see the next nap or bedtime coming up. I would make a horrible spy or fugitive.
These days my life has been thrown a new wrench; my Dad is again in a nursing home. It is a necessary shift in housing, but this does not make it any more palatable. In fact because my mother and their companion dog, Lolly live at home; it makes it harder. Another stop on my neverending route of visits and "things to do".
Being in the middle, being THE middle. is made harder by housing changes. And the organic, natural events of aging also impact the middle; more so than it could ever affect the beginning or the end.
I had a conversation with my Dad this past week, where I was trying to explain to him why he was in a nursing home, why he was not able to be at his home with Mom. It did not go well. It seemed that with every explanation, he refused the answer. He would appear to be taking the last thought and try to figure out a way to make it be what he wanted it to be, instead. I told him (reminded him) that Mom had had some surgery on her knee and that she needed therapy, that she was not physically able to help him at home. He thought for a moment and then looked at his wife and said "you hurt your knee?". I could see that what I was explaining to him was causing him to feel very sad, very alone. His reaction caused me sadness. I wanted to be able to look at him and say that I would figure out a way for him to go home again.
Mom and I left, but not before we (I) walked him into the dining room for lunch.
Nursing homes are sad places. They just aren't places that give people pause to feel or think happy thoughts. I could tell that dad was scared. I could tell that he didn't want to think that he was part of this group of people who showed all the signs of decaying life and loss of function. But part of me wanted him to at least engage, to choose to not be a permanent part of that place. To choose to fight to keep the function he still has and the ability to live life to his fullest, and choose that so maybe he can come home. I left him so sad. I was sad, I wanted to change things, it made Mom sad, too.
I spent the better part of 2009 with my father choosing to lose pieces of his life. He was admitted to the hospital wth gangrene, and lost one of his great toes. The rehab was brutal, for everyone; well Dad, Mom, and me. Dad is a horrible patient. He is noncompliant, which generally means that he says NO much more than he ever says yes. He refused therapy; he refused bathing; he refused meds; he refused to stand; he refused to ever pee on his own again. In June 2009, dad had been home for about 5 weeks and he fell! He broke both his tibia and fibula; it was horrible. He had a cast. And he had his second "bout" with skilled nursing facilities. Something inside of him broke (that is how I see it), he told us that he would NEVER WALK AGAIN. Here is a 70 year old man, saying he will never walk again. It was maddening! Nothing mom or I said made a difference. He decided the only way he would transfer from on place to another was via "slide board". And in September Dad received his powered chair/jazee.
He has never stood. He barely does anything on his own. He has been bathed and helped to the toilet by a nurse's aid or Mom. And Mom can't do that for him now.
Sometimes I try to compose my father's obit in my head when I am upset or thinking about him too much. I try to find all the things I love about him and pick out the things he would want to be immortalized by in an obit. I never come up empty. The memories are always there and fresh. But inevitably I begin the obit with "Garry lived and died by his choices". Because if nothing else can be said about my father, he had choices. He chose. He chose to smoke for over 55 years. He chose to become a Catholic. He chose to marry my mother. He chose to retire early. He chose to not stand. He chose to never walk again. I wonder if my father's passing will be because he chooses to not engage in life? It is sad to consider from the middle. Because my struggle is ongoing, everyday, every minute; but because of my position; I can kinda understand his thought processes.
He told my mother and me, "I am not strong". My mother thought he meant physical strength; but I knew he meant mentally. He feels overwhelmed by the emotions of being old, being disabled, being in the nursing home. Without owning it, he is feeling the weight of his choices during his life.
I would like my father to have a "do over"; but that can't be. So I try to love him, all the while knowing, trying to integrate into myself that I don't want to "be him".
I hope that makes sense to the reader.
I love my parents beyond measure; I just really want to learn from their lives to make mine better.